Channel: Houston Jones
Category: Sports
Tags: gunthe worst injuryburning painbug-a-salt shredderbodybuilder vs 1000painful airsoftworst injurybug-a-saltairsoftexperimentbodybuilder vs 1000 paintballshoustonsalt gunbodybuilder experimenthouston jonesinjurysalt vsfailspainbug-a-salt 3.0the infographics showsaltsalt experimentbodybuilderbug experimentworst punishments everworst punishmentsfailbug vsbugexperiment vsbodybuilder vsgun vsvsairsoft vsjonesbro labs
Description: Thanks to Acre Gold for sponsoring this video! Help support my channel by buying your own Acre Gold using my link - In this episode of Bodybuilder VS I create the worst salt gun injury of all time! Even though this bug gun experiment caused the world's strongest man Houston Jones a lot of burning pain it was necessary to find out if these salt guns could be used for self defense! WARNING: do not try this at home. These challenges are done with medically trained personnel on standby and after serious research is done on the devices used along with the potential injuries which may result. I've consulted with my medical professional on the proper way to test these devices while minimizing long term harm. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes only and does not endorse the behavior displayed. Done improperly, these actions can lead to serious injury. MY INSTAGRAM - MY TWITTER - MY FACEBOOK PAGE - SHIRTS AND MERCHANDISE - SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - Check out my Amazon shop and help support the channel - MORE BODYBUILDER VS - SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING AWESOME PEOPLE FOR SUPPORTING US ON PATREON Executive Producers: Luke Carey, Dylon Gauman, Bryan Mckay, Jack Conely, Sean Lucas, Rich McGinley, Thomas Dority, Seth Crum, Stephen O'Hara, Joshua King, Matt Glassie, Jester, Bryan Northe, Shawn Rasi, Scott Eriksen, Billy Jarvis, Barrett Hood, Anthony Rivera, Brad Barnett, Nathaniel Shelton, David Garvin, Know Nuthin' Archer, Andrew Tinio, David Ruiz, Logan Xavier Doyle, Noe Valdivia, Seth Erie, Justin Rustmann, Cameron Fasske, Cameron Arroyo, Paul Orr, Kevin Green, Benjamin Brazaski, Brandon Coleman, Edward Lively, Tyler Guyton, Runar Karlsen, G M, Jay Wallace, Dan Reese, Marc Welling, Caleb(Thrma), Bailey, Conner Kirk, Suulut Lynge, SueThaWoodThoo, Sarah Headley, Rob Channell, Tim Wright, Christopher Miller, Tanner Yager, Kim Simons, John Coffield, Jack Riley, Arthur Fuller, Mike Siudzinski, Hannah P Cooper, Taylor Rodgers, Peyton Mendonca, Tatoul Tatou, Michael DeBoer, Isaac Villarreal, Justin Trapp, Daniel Parsons, Sam, Ethan West, Caleb, Actor Micheal Douglas, Harald Stromme, Ashe Forestier, Nicholas Cauthen, Steven Si, Magpie, Huddy, Itsai Casillas Soriano, Anna, Zachary Linniman, Calvin Reasor, KDogDragon, Jamie Huerta, Derek Lee, Animal Lover4875, Jay Wang, Chuck Guard, Austin Luscumb, Sydney Brymer, Cruz Michel, Eric Oneill, Trevor Brugman, Blake Causey, Kyle Roy, Zach Dugger, Steffers Da'Cannonator, Paul Hinman, Miguel Ortiz, Michael Jordan, Garrick Carlson, Crhis Rodriguez, Brett Matthews, Karl Kunc, Turn Base, Andres De La Rosa, KanantheBarbarian, Nils Matuschewski, Kayla Phillips, Charlene Hawkins, Jizo Bosatsu, James Creen, Shawn Morse, Robert Desiqueira, Brandy Hammack, Joseph Gladue, Trey Willmoth, Mia Jasmine, Bryan Gorman, Jennifer Perkins, Mark Carpenter, Alves Julien, David Baker Producers: Bradley Shutler, Jim Edwards, Chris Powell, Jett Carter, Chris Speich, Mahoganie Williams, Gabriel, Nordin Ben Allal, Mrsherman229, Richard Hogberg, Hayden Winters, Mallory Wood, Michel Gauthier, Justin Smyiff, Miguel Jovel, Carl Evans, Matthew Coronado, Dustin Hall, Jonathan Matsui, Nicholas Aparicio, Lucy Moore, Holly Hemmerlein, Ethen Maughan, Aidanation5, Anthony, Dominic Sanchez, S80n, Issacc Pitt. Ryan T., William Brown, Berndt Ekstroem, Matt Lewis, John W Gilkerson, Pete, Derca, LUPIA LUPIA, Patrick Gentz, Samuel Solis, Ryan Thomas, Tim Evans, Max lynn, Frank Martin, Aaron Holt, Shannon Donald, Aunt NINA Rocks, Linqacex, Brady Bowles, Tim Daniel, Luke Hill, Bryan Cornelsen, Bryce Armstrong, 20654, Miguel Ramirez, John Leal Brice, Alan Li, Tank_907, Ry J, Josh Robbins, Donnie8915, Philip Shapiro, Kaikhorus, Anders Nielsen, Benjamin Griese, Brody Tapp, Evan Wrzesinski, JohnnyBoy, Jannick Nielsen, Rammsy Hartmann, Jacob Bloom, Connor, Bryan, Grey Skies, Ben, Kristoff Mills, Eli Campbell, Voltflo, Eduardo Guardarramas, Blair Harvey, Ra, Putin, Derek Handel, Keith Fernandez My name is Houston Jones and Bodybuilder VS is a series where I play the role of a stereotypical cocky bodybuilder while attempting all kinds of crazy/funny things.